Without the convenience of a private jet those of the pleb have to with stand the dread of flying unnecessarily far off track. The more you experience the accent and descent of a plane,the less sane you become. 9 and a half hours Sydney to Hong Kong, 1 hour stopover, 3 and a half hours to Singapore, what! Singapore! That wasn't on the itinerary. Thanks for informing us Cathay! 4 and a half hour flight to Colombo. Our transfer man of coarse didn't arrive till midnight, one hour late. On we started our drive south. Thankfully in the early hours there aren't much to dodge on the road and so only took 5 hours. Arrival at Tallalah Retreat was like flying around the world a million times in search of the gates to heaven. We finally found them. So our 29 hour travel came to a much wanted end. And so the moral is: pay the extra money and get direct flights. As much as I love getting a meal on every flight, it's nutrients will not be missed.
Talallah Retreat is such a beautiful place to relax from the hustle and bustle of the local towns. Surfing and yoga packages are available. Contact Jack